Sunday, October 19, 2014

TOW #7-"Harvard Students Believe U.S. Is Bigger Threat Than ISIS" (Written)

I happened upon this FOX News article whilst browsing the web and I couldn't help myself but to laugh at how humorous the article was. FOX took to the streets at world-renowned Harvard University to ask whether the U.S. or ISIS poses the greater threat to world peace. Three highly intelligible students respond by saying the U.S which is quickly criticized and bashed by the FOX News crew. Three student responses very quickly became a sweeping condemnation of ALL of the “liberal” campuses. And it surely didn’t take too long for FOX to get in a shot at Barack Obama! The first student spoke specifically to American imperialism as being the root problem, not “America” itself. So in the end the debate became too simplistic, the panel wanted to focus on the current and undeniable threat/evil of ISIS, whereas the students were more focused on the historical PAST and some “American” foreign policy decisions in the Middle East that played a definite role in creating the current situation.

The author's (FOX) purpose behind this article is to condemn these alleged "smart Harvard students" by misconstruing and taking their statements out of context. I can certainly tell you what rhetorical devices FOX News DIDN'T use. For starters, they never established any credibility the entire time that the panel was claiming that ISIS is the bigger threat to world peace. Just because they are news anchors and one is a country singer doesn't mean that there opinions have any validity. In fact, the students at Harvard University established more credibility by citing their sources and stating cold-hard facts. The strongest rhetorical device that FOX used was that they strongly appealed to anger Americans into feeling like these students are "unpatriotic". FOX really emphasized their support for this gracious land to make the reader feel patriotic.

(I also found this satirical online newspaper that did an article on this Might have to do this written text as well!)

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