Sunday, April 19, 2015

TOW #26-"A dead body lies in the street" (Visual)

I found this image on a popular entertainment website known as Mashable. The image was located in an article called "Best Photos of 2014". I felt for all the glory and greatness that has gone on in the past year, it has certainly not been perfect across the world.

The image highlights a scene in Ukraine where there have been loads of problems going on in the recent months. The focus of the image is on the man who is shown dead on the ground of a public street, just lying there with a small cloth over his body. You can't see who he is or what he looks like or what might have happened to him, all you can see is that he is dead and appears to look like a normal civilian. He's not someone working a dangerous job or out fighting in a battlefield, he's wearing nice looking dress shoes and a pair of slacks or jeans. This highlights the innocence of the man and shows he did nothing wrong or deserving of his death.

After the main focus of the image, your eyes can't help but notice the man in the background. This man, does not look guilty at all for committing the crime as the man on the ground looks like he's been sitting there rotting for awhile. The key thing to notice is that this man is depicted living his normal day in his average life who doesn't seem to even notice or be shocked about the man dead in the middle of the street. By the way he's dealing with the situation, it's as if he sees something like that everyday or it just isn't rare to see. That is where the true meaning to the picture is. The fact that something so horrific and gory shouldn't be someone's everyday life happening as a normal occurrence. He does a great job invoking a sense of sympathy and almost a bit of rage in the sense that you feel bad for the innocent civilian and you feel like there shouldn't be a society that functions like this but you can't do anything about it. Does a great job of putting things in perspective on how our world isn't very perfect after all.

All in all I felt the photographer perfectly captured the proper feeling of the photo the sadness not for the death of the man in the street but for the fact that the man in the background is just walking past him like it's something normal to see.


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