Sunday, April 26, 2015

TOW #27-"If you play video games, you're going to want these glasses" (Written)

Samuel Lingle, of The Daily Dot, goes on to write an article that promotes and in a large sense tries to sell you a specific product. Lingle tries to persuade the reader that gaming glasses are a necessity and a company by the name of NoScope is the best place to buy them from.

Mr. Lingle employs the method proving or stating that you need the product if you want to be a true, hardcore gamer. He mentions the great health risks that they prevent such as eye strain and fatigue after staring at a monitor for a large chunk of time during the day. The other method used as a form of persuasion for the audience to want to buy NoScope's gaming glasses in specific, is to compare them to the competitors and prove that theirs are better. Lingle stacked them up side to side, and even gave some honesty that GUNNAR OPTIKS are well-known and very high quality, but the price point of NoScope's glasses was the main emphasis and selling point. "A pair of NoScope specs will only set you back $25." When stated like this it is almost like any other typical day purchase at the mall of some sort of apparel, because twenty-five dollars to most isn't that outrageous and it's definitely something they'd consider purchasing.

I did notice however that Lingle managed to use one bad literary device which is that of a logical fallacy. This logical fallacy is tough to catch out but it is the, because of this, therefore that, type of fallacy. Lingle states that when the inevitable esports boom comes, NoScope glasses will rise in a paralleled way. This isn't true and doesn't make sense because numbers and statistics have already shown that a rise in esports popularity is inevitable but the popularity of NoScope's glasses is unknown and is unrelated to such. Their success relies on their own contribution only and that if they do a good job making, marketing, and selling their own product than of course they will do well.

Overall, despite the one small logical fallacy to close out the article, I felt it was well written and did a good job with it's persuasion. Being a gamer myself, who spends endless amounts of time behind a computer, getting monitor tans on the daily, I was intrigued and even paid their website a visit. It is something that I have recognized happening when I spend a long time on the computer and it's something that I am now interested in purchasing.


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